Monday, May 18, 2009

Why does Full Tilt hate me?

AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH.This is the kind of garbage I have had to deal with for the past week.Now I am not one to complain here too much about bad beats,because everyone gets them from time to time,but Full Tilt is getting beyond a freakin joke! Time and time again I am ahead until the flop then get rammed right up the arse with the same old pish!
Take the example above.Playing tight and and not getting involved in many hands when I get dealt a medium pair,limp in the pot and see a cheap flop,flop my set and push knowing I was ahead.The only other player calls,shows AA and the rest is history! Never mind though because there is always Everest Poker and all it's French fish to fall back on lol. Now I am never going to be a brilliant poker player but some of the plays on Everest beggers belief,but if they want to throw their euros away then thats up to them I suppose.Good luck all and hope to see you at the tables.

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